Lennart Regebro wrote:
On 6/18/06, Paul Winkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
+1, I'd like some way to easily know when a release is no longer
maintained.  i.e., what's the X in the above formula.

Well, it's 2 versions, so far. I.e, current release and last release.
Unless we decide to change that now.

Right now we have:

Zope 2.9
Zope 2.10 pre-stable
Zope 2 trunk

Zope 3.2
Zope 3.3 pre-stable
Zope 3 trunk


The pre-stable versions should usually only be around in May/June and December/January.

However, Zope 2.8 is still available for stable download ... so we currently have 7 branches to watch out for.


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