
Adam Groszer wrote:
> Hi,
> For our application the standard securitypolicy was fine.
> Until today. Now a requirement came up that the object permissions
> have to depend _also_ on an object state (the object's property).
> As I checked my friend is the zope.app.securitypolicy.zopepolicy.py.
> Securitypolicy gets set in the instance/etc/securitypolicy.zcml:
> <securityPolicy
>     component="zope.app.securitypolicy.zopepolicy.ZopeSecurityPolicy" />
> So I'll have to write a custom securitypolicy based on the zopepolicy.
> Modify the securitypolicy.zcml.
> But that will override the policy for the whole instance.
> My concern is how to override the policy just for a sub-folder/site?
> The _defaultPolicy seems to be very-very global.
> Any ideas?

IIRC the policy is global. You'd have to make a 'meta' policy that would
defer to 'local' policies.

However, this could be considered to be a very complex setup which you
should avoid in security context. There might be more technical reasons
that would complicate this approach too.

IMHO better: write a data-driven policy that includes all rules that are
used and have that be a reasonable global policy.


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