Am Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2005 18:51 schrieb Derrick Hudson:
> On Thu, May 05, 2005 at 04:38:00PM +0200, Florian Lindner wrote:
> | Am Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2005 08:40 schrieb Philipp von Weitershausen:
> | > Florian Lindner wrote:
> | > > Hello,
> | > >
> | > > I want to allow the user to give items a short description, like for
> | > > a link:
> | > >
> | > > Name: Zope
> | > > URL:
> | > > Description: Homepage of Zope, a web application server
> | > >
> | > > Is it wise to use the metadata description field for that purpose or
> | > > should I just add a TextLine attribute to the interface.
> | >
> | > If this "description" has little or nothing to do with the actual item,
> | > but is only there for categorizing it or similar, I'd use the
> | > DublinCore 'description' field.
> |
> | Mmmhh, not easy to tell...  ;-)
> | How would you solve the case above? The user just uses it to describe it,
> | The application itself makes no use of it.
> I would lean towards Dublin Core for that.  It isn't actually part of
> the data, if the application doesn't use it.  It's more like an
> extension, which is what adapters are for.

Ok, I've done it as metadata now.

How can I automatically create a addform that allows the user to enter the 
metadate zope:description and the __name__. Using addform->fields has not 

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