that would be excellent...  a straight OQL implementation for the zodb
would be fantastic.  i agree with you entirely.  +1 to the thought.

On 4/23/06, Rocky Burt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-21-04 at 11:03 -0400, Pete Taylor wrote:
> > i'm going to call a zodb query language zql for now, because i like it
> > and think it's catchy ;)  ...i know there's a java query parser called
> > "zql" also, but i'm not proposing a formal name, so i'm going to use
> > it anyway.  i'd think of zql as just an OQL specific to the zodb.
> I quite like this idea.  I'm not sure of the practical applications of
> it at this point... but it seems to have the appearance of a lot of
> potential :)
> Just out of curiousity, why not try to simply implement OQL for the
> zodb?  The zodb (plus its libs/framework) is basically just a OODBMS
> anyhow.  Using OQL would make this a little more accessible still for
> people outside the python community.  I could see possibly adding a few
> zodb specific extensions to the OQL implementation, but having OQL as
> the base would be nice.
> - Rocky
> --
> Rocky Burt
> AdaptiveWave - Content Management as a Service
> Content Management Made Simple

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