Robert Boyd wrote:

> My question is, should I extend ldappas to make it into a
> principalfolder, or should I use it only for auth, and write my own
> PrincipalFolder (or should it be a PrincipalSource from
> pluggableauth??) When I read the docs, I get the impression that auth
> plugins are for authentication, and principals are defined separately.
> Yet the stock principal folder implements IAuthenticatorPlugin as well
> as being a place to store and create principals.

you need to use your LDAP-authenticator _instead_ of the PrincipalFolder 

you have to make an utility which implements IAuthenticatorPlugin and 
accepts a "login" and a "password"... with those you look in your LDAP, and
if they match you create and return a PrinicipalInfo object... so you dont
need a PrincipalFolder at all

I think I read somewhere that someone already did a
you might want to do some more searching before you go on and write your

cheers. luis

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