On Tue, 2006-30-05 at 14:49 -0400, Jim Washington wrote:
> I am just starting to try-out Dojo (http://dojotoolkit.org). 
> Interestingly, the RPC it does is JSON-RPC. Since I am well-acquainted 
> with JSON-RPC support in Zope 3, I have put together a package for 
> making Dojo and its JSON-RPC client work with Zope 3.
> http://zif.hill-street.net/dojosupport
> At the moment, Dojo is just a new toy for me, but I see a lot of 
> potential for rich user interfaces using Zope 3 and Dojo.

Perhaps the z3c.javascript project in svn.zope.org would benefit from
inclusion with dojo (rather than you making your own prj).

- Rocky

Rocky Burt
ServerZen Software -- http://www.serverzen.com
News About The Server (blog) -- http://www.serverzen.net

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