On Sunday 16 April 2006 13:39, Alek Kowalczyk wrote:
> I'll try to explain that a wee bit more, here is the Use Case:
> I have an IMonitorsContainer containing IMonitor(s).
> When a user creates new Monitor instance (using "Add Monitor" on the
> web), the created Monitor should start thread and periodically perform
> measurements (configured by the user by setting some Monitor's fields)
> in that thread - until the Monitor is deleted (by the user on the web
> interface).
> Or until Zope is eventually stopped/killed. When Zope is later started
> again, the persisted Monitors (i.e configuration of measurement threads)
> should be restored from ZODB, create and start the threads again after
> restored, and continue performing measurements.

I would use Twisted as a server and schedule tasks with the twisted loop. See 
for example:


Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
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