
An update on this.

When I change the permission on IMemberEditForm to zope.Public or
zope.View then the form is displayed. Which is why I want to find the
permission checker. The principal can view other objects protected by
tfws.view but not this one.

If I can find where the permission is being checked then perhaps I will
find out why my principal is not passing the security checker and how I
can fix it.

Sorry if I'm getting hysterical.


On Fri, 2006-07-21 at 19:33 +1200, Darryl Cousins wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm having a permissions problem with a formlib form and an adapter. 
> I have put the following in zope/schema/_bootstrapfields.py
> class Field ...
>     def get(self, object):
>         try:
>             getattr(object, self.__name__)
>         except:
>             import sys
>             print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
>         return getattr(object, self.__name__)
> the print I get is:
>     zope.security.interfaces.Unauthorized
> (<tfws.portal.member.adapters.MemberEditFormForMember object at
> 0xb5b5bc8c>, 'clear_photo', 'tfws.view')
> What I need to know is where is this Unauthorized being raised to debug
> further (as my principal indeed has the permission tfws.view). I need to
> pinpoint why.
> the only raise I can find that matches is in zope/security/checker but
> 'print's that I have added there give me nothing.
> Thanks,
> Darryl
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