Hi Simon,

I have a few comments regarding style. First::

  if thisflag == False:

is unnecessarily long. Just write::

  if not thisflag:

Also, what is "thisflag"? It'd be better to give it a descriptive name.

--- httptask.py.orig    Fri Jan 06 02:15:48 2006
+++ httptask.py Thu Sep 21 17:31:17 2006
@@ -126,6 +126,15 @@
                 close_it = 1
         elif version == '1.1':
+            #modified by Simon
+            thisflag = False
+            for each in self.accumulated_headers:
+                if each.lower() == 'connection: keep-alive':
+                    thisflag = True
+                    break
+            if thisflag == False:
+                close_it = 1

I think you make this a lot simpler::

  if 'connection: keep-alive' not in (header.lower() for header in
      close_it = 1

(instead of the lines you added)

             if connection == 'close':
                 close_it = 1
             elif 'Transfer-Encoding' in response_headers:
@@ -134,8 +143,15 @@
             elif self.status == '304':
                 # Replying with headers only.
+            #modified by simon
             elif not ('Content-Length' in response_headers):
-                close_it = 1
+                thisflag = False
+                for each in self.accumulated_headers:
+                    if each[:14].lower() == 'content-length':
+                        thisflag = True
+                        break
+ if thisflag == False: #only content_length not exist in accumulated headers too
+                    close_it = 1

I don't understand the comment (English grammar not correct), but my suggestion would apply here as well, I think.
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