FB wrote:
what is Zope supposed to do, when there are conflicting security annotations
applied to an object?

That depends on the implementation of your security policy. It decides if a principal has a permission for a given context or not.

I'd like to make an object inaccessible - except for members of a given role.
This is how it should look like:


Is this possible?

The zope.app.securitypolicy.interfaces.IRolePermissionManager adapter seems to do what you want. The spelling is essentially the same except for that redudant third parameter. Use IPrincipalPermissionManager if you want to grant/deny permissions to a principal (or group).

If not, why? Maybe there's a more elegant solution?
'zope.Anybody' is defined as a "group" in etc/principals.zcml. Can I
use it like a role?

No. Groups are principals which means you can grant or deny permissions to all principals within that group by working on the group.

Is there a role, any anonymous user *and* any authenticated user is
automagically assigned to?

Not that I know of, but I figure you could easily make one that is. Of course, you could always use the zope.Anybody group to represent all principals. I think groups are the more sensible thing to use here.

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