It is perhaps a bit too early for this discussion. All I can say is that it is getting tougher to keep track of packages and dependencies when you want to mix and match for different instances with packages of different versions coming from private and public repository sources. Given that there are packages I want to remove (packages I don't use), replace (like a custom zodb so that I don't need to change zodb imports all over the place) or add in z3 just adds to the mix. It would be great if someone could paint a clear picture of the best way to deal with this so the packaging is more transparent and less of a distraction for development. Many thanks.


David Pratt wrote:
I am just beginning to look at buildout. I want to be able to combine my z3 packages with some of z3's, also replacing some of z3's packages for customized versions of the same package. Is anyone doing this or similar yet that they might comment on how useful buildout is on anything more complicated. Many thanks.

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