> For startup do this :
> @component.adapter(IDatabaseOpenedEvent)
> def startRemoteTask(event):
>     """Start the amazon remotetask on startup."""
>     db = event.database
>     connection = db.open()
>     root = connection.root()
>     root_folder = root.get(ZopePublication.root_name, None)
>     for site in root_folder.values():
>         service = component.queryUtility(
>             ITaskService, context=site)
>         if service is not None:
>             if not service.isProcessing():
>                 service.startProcessing()
> I assume here that the remote tasks are located in one of the site
> directly contained in root.
Works for me now :)
> For shutdown :
> I have no solution for this right now.
So seems that now it is best to manually click on stop processing button
ZMI before shutting Zope down.


Maciej Wisniowski
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