Am Sonntag, 2. September 2007 18:26 schrieb Markus Leist:
> Hi list,
> z3c.form has a very generic, well approach - but at the moment it's to
> complicated to me.
> I have an interface defined like:
> 100       osList = List (
> 101           title = _("operating systems"),
> 103           value_type = TextLine(
> 105               title = _("Operatingsystem"),
> 107               default = u"",
> 108               required = False),
> 109           required = False)
> [originally from
>py ]
> when z3c.form will do his update, i'll get a
> ComponentLookupError: (
>   (<zope.schema._field.List object at 0x989054c>,
>    <zope.schema._bootstrapfields.TextLine object at 0x989090c>,
>    <zc.resourcelibrary.publication.Request instance
> URL=http://localhost:8081/cc071bd954f8fd7b3fccf9fab2b1c7b58/add_host.html>)
>, <InterfaceClass z3c.form.interfaces.IFieldWidget>, u'')
> [full trace on ]

I think I know that one: Your request object hast to be marked with the 
appropriate interface, in this case it's IFormLayer.

I recommend you to have a decent look at z3c.formdemo.

To sum my z3c.form-experience up: In the beginning it's quite hard and 
complicated, although the documentation is good. One has to deeply understand 
the component-based software design (Interfaces, Adapters etc.) and other 
packages (e.g. pagelets). However it pays off later on, because other 
alternatives (e.g. formlib) are too limiting for many use cases.

Best Regards,

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