Le jeudi 22 novembre 2007 à 14:46 +0000, Chris Withers a écrit :
> Thierry Florac wrote:
> >   Hi,
> > 
> > I have a simple question : I'm using RAMCache 
> What's RAMCache?

I'm just talking about the RAMCache utility, which is defined into
zope.app.cache package...

> > with ZEO and several Zope
> > frontends ; when calling cache.invalidate(), are the selected entries
> > invalidated only on the Zope frontend which handled the request, or are
> > they invalidated on each frontend ??
> if the invalidation finds its way back to ZEO, all clients will be 
> invalidated...

As it's name implies, RAMCache utility only stores it's data in RAM. So
I guess that ZODB won't be impacted by cache updates, as other Zope
So what do you mean by "find it's way back to ZEO" ? And how can you
handle this ??

Thanks for any advise,

  Thierry Florac
  Chef de projet intranet/internet
  Office National des Forêts - Département Informatique
  2, Avenue de Saint-Mandé
  75570 PARIS Cedex 12
  Tél. : +33
  Fax. : +33

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