Thank you again.

On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 01:16 -0200, Fernando Correa Neto wrote:
> Hey,
> On Feb 12, 2008 4:15 PM, Ronaldo Z. Afonso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm trying to configure a content type but it seems my "configure.zcml"
> > is not being used. Do I have explicitly to tell Zope where this
> > configure.zcml file is?
> > Thanks in advance.
> Make sure you have your pakage inside of etc/package-includes of your 
> instance.
> So you if you have a foo package in your lib/python, then you need to
> put a foo-configure.zcml inside etc/package-includes with:
> <include package="foo" />
> That's it.
> HTH,
> Fernando

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