I'll try very hard to be able to show up at least one day at the LinuxTag;
I'm going to try to help out at the Debian booth as well.

How about I18N as a topic for one of the discussions ? I guess many European
sites and developers struggle with problems of I18N.

Another topic I'm very interested in is packaging and distribution of Zope
extensions: keywords are Distutils, packages, zexp's, a package/dependency
tool like Debian's APT, distribution etc. pp., cf. Simon Michael's recent
rant about ZWiki/ZWikiWeb.

Looking forward to meet you,



On Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 01:51:33PM -0700, Stephan Richter wrote:
> The Linuxtag will be from June 29th (Thursday) to July 2nd (Sunday). It 
> will be in the Exhibition Center (Messegelaende) in Stuttgart, Germany.
> I know we have little time to organize the conference (26 days). We have 
> one day to fill with speeches and discussions, so please let me know if 
> there are people willing to give some talks or want to have "Special 
> Interest Group" discussions, like E-commerce, XML or Portals in Zope. I 
> would also like to know, who would be able to come, so I can give the 
> Linuxtag staff some feedback.

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