On Tue, Jun 06, 2000 at 10:25:48PM +0100, Paul Browning wrote:
> ZWN-2000-06-01 says:
> "Itamar Shtull-Trauring and Chris Withers tracked down a problem with
> image caching that affected certain versions of Netscape browsers."
> Can anyone give me more info on this? I missed any reference to
> it on the list and have been unable to locate anything in
> various archives. I have just such a problem and I hope
> this is a fix.

The problem was related to Netscape browsers on Win32 sending
If-Modified-Since headers with dates like "15-Mar-00" when they meant
"15-Mar-2000". This caused two problems in Zope.

The DateTime module reinterpreted the date as "15-Mar-1900". This has been
fixed in the CVS version of the module where years of the form 00-69 are now
interpreted as 2000 + 00-69.

The second problem ocurred in OFS/Image.py where the date was turned into
whole seconds with Python's int() function. Dates so early lead to float
numbers that exceed the range of numbers int() can deal with. This is also
fixed in the current CVS version.

Andres Corrada-Emmanuel   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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