Hello again. More problems to be solved :)

Now I've been trying some exotic things:) The tests are still going on in a
NT machine.

Here's what I'd like to do : I have installed Apache for NT (yes, I know it's
still beta but I am waiting for a new Linux server that will be here in a few
days :) on default port 80. I also configured IIS to be on port 8090 and ZServer
to be on it's default port 8080.

I'd like to do the following things using the Rewrite module : Point zope.server.com
to www.server.com:8080 and point iis.server.com to www.server.com:8090. I tried
things like these:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}        ^zope\.server\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)               http://zope.server.com:8080$1 [R]

But if I do this the user will see http://zope.server.com:8080/page.htm written
in his's browser instead of http://zope.server.com/page.htm, which I'd prefer.

I am trying to ally this to the Proxy Reverse module to accomplish this result
(and I wouldn't like to use the pcgi version of Zope, I prefer to try ZServer).
The ProxyPass alone do part of the job, when Zope has the Site Access Product,
but cannot accomplish all of these goals.

The other thing is that I'd like to add the static cache feature of the Rewrite
module. Something as the following example:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}   !-s
RewriteRule ^page\.html$          page.cgi   [T=application/x-httpd-cgi,L]

I'll use the pcgi version if there's no other way and I still want the URL hidding
feature (zope.server.com instead of www.server.com:8080). If all these really
work fine maybe the Apache could be a better alternative to Squid, mainly because
of it's well known robustness, flexibility and log accuracy.

Maybe some of the things I am trying to do will be impossible, but it's exciting
trying to do such things :) If someone know some of these features (mainly,
I'd like to know more about the static cache feature and Rewrite+ProxyPass modules).
And the NT machine is still just for tests, so maybe the Linux version of Apache
can give me more flexibility as I am already used to it.


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