In the following code stored in a DTML Method I create DTMLDocument
called hello and then I want to add it some properties. The error is
that those properties get created in the parent folder object and not in
my "hello" DTMLDocument although I try to reference the self parameter
to "hello" using the with tag. 
        I would appreciate any hints to solve it. Thank you in advance. :-)
<dtml-call "manage_addDTMLDocument('hello', REQUEST['new_name'])">

 <dtml-comment>REQUEST wichtig sonst properties von parent

<dtml-with Test>
 <dtml-with hello>
   <dtml-call "manage_addProperty( id='company_name',
value=REQUEST['new_name'], type='text', REQUEST=REQUEST)">
   <dtml-call "manage_addProperty( id='message',
value=REQUEST['new_message'], type='text', REQUEST=REQUEST)">
   <dtml-call "manage_addProperty( id='contact_phone',
value=REQUEST['new_phone'], type='text', REQUEST=REQUEST)">
 <dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect('manage_main?update_menu=1')">

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