At Tuesday 9/8/2005 16:25, Paul Winkler wrote:

>> Maybe I should not be playing with _p_serial,

Correct, you should not be.  All _p_ attributes are reserved
for use by the ZODB and applications should never mess with them.

>>  but how can I set the
>> object's last modification time? I want it to be in sync with an
>> external representation (stored in CVS).
> Set your very own attribute on the object that holds the modification
> time, and modify it at will.

But I need to track the modification time of *all* objects (folders, zpt, python scripts, instances of third-party installed products...). I go back and forth from FileStorage to a filesystem representation (using APE) which is under CVS control.

Fortunately I've found a way to successfully modify _p_serial: just ignore the (fictitious) conflict. In fact, there is no real conflict since no data has been modified (and no other thread is running), just the timestamp was changed.

def ignoreConflict(self, oid, committedSerial, oldSerial, newpickle,
    self._serial = oldSerial
    return newpickle
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
FileStorage.tryToResolveConflict = ignoreConflict

Of course this script is run offline, with a single user accessing the database, and it works for this specific situation because I know there is no real conflict.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL
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