--On 29. Dezember 2005 11:57:08 +0100 Jens Vagelpohl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 29 Dec 2005, at 04:53, Jamie O'Keefe wrote:

I am trying to get the latest time in a Python Script.

I declare:

   from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime

But when I run:

   t = DateTime().latestTime()


   t = DateTime().Time()

I always get an Insufficient Privileges error.

Instead of trying to import DateTime just call ZopeTime on your  context,
which will give you back a DateTime object, like so:

t = context.ZopeTime().latestTime()

This also looks scary. Since you don't have to import DateTime you can use it really directly:

 t = DateTime().latestTime()


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