Hi Chris,

> Fernando Martins wrote:
> > I'm using LocalFS 1.7rc? and Zope 2.8.? in a Suse system. More
> importantly
> > for this case, zope is behind Apache 1.39 with module NTLM,
> What are you using to do NTLM?

simply mod_ntlm. I'm following the procedure on this page to do single
sign-on for my Intranet web site:


The software used is also linked from there.

> > through FastCGI,
> Why on earth would you inflict this on yourself? ;-)

Because it is the only way to pass the Apache environmental variable
REMOTE_USER to Zope. This variable is set by Apache after the NTLM
authentication. I suppose PCGI is also possible, but I haven't tried it out.

I'm well aware and concerned that FastCGI has become deprecated for lack of
maintainer. I guess this will be a major upgrade obstacle for those doing
Intranet single sign-on.

Other than that I don't know of any concrete FastCGI problem.

> > When I access a file in a LocalFS folder I get the following
> info, instead
> > of the pdf file (in this case):
> >
> > <open file '/work/docs/MyFile.PDF', mode 'rb' at 0x42310974>.
> What's the code and urls you're using to access this?

No code, I get this in the browser just with an url like this:


/mysite/docs is a LocalFS folder that maps to a (Linux) folder /work/docs.
(/mysite is a zope folder invisible for the users, through some URL
rewriting done in Apache)

> > The LocalFS folder accessed in the past through
> Apache+mod_rewrite without
> > NTLM+RemoteUserFolder used to work fine.
> Interesting...

yes, it was after adding NTLM+FastCGI to Apache+Zope that I got the LocalFS

> > So, the combination Apache+NTLM+FastCGI+RemoteUserFolder with
> LocalFS isn't
> > working well.
> My guess would be RemoteUserFolder is the cuplrit. What is this
> RemoteUserFolder and where did you get it from?

Got it from http://www.zope.org/Members/djay/RemoteUserFolder

although I don't follow your logic since RemoteUF works fine with the rest
of zope.

RUF doesn't do any real authentication, I guess, it simply adds the
REMOTE_USER user to the user folder and lets zope know the user is
authenticated. Simple job I guess.


> cheers,
> Chris
> --
> Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
>             - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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