On Thursday 23 March 2006 21:24, Andrew Milton wrote:

> Every TAL call pretty much creates a new security context, which is why
> it's hitting the DB so often (this is why it's best to turn on caching in
> XUF even for 5 or 10 seconds if you're using a 'slow' auth mechanism).

In the "Paramaters" tab in my XUF acl_users folder, I have:

  Credential Cache Timeout in Seconds (0 for No Caching)         : 30
  Negative Credential Cache Timeout in Seconds (0 for No Caching): 5

and yet I'm still seeing several identical queries per second in my database 
logs.  Shouldn't those settings enable the cache?

> I'm not sure why it's using your username and not their own though,
> without actually looking at your setup. XUF just executes the lookups
> based on what Zope tells it to do.

Thanks.  I'll look into VerboseSecurity to see if I can figure out why it 
really, really wants to auth as me.
Kirk Strauser
The Day Companies
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