Edmund Moseley wrote at 2007-1-9 16:03 -0500:
>I am in the process of trying to add RAMCaches to my python scripts, 
>and wanted to test it out TTW via custom.
>However, whenever I make a copy of my FS python script to custom, and 
>then view the object which uses this script, I get the following error:
>TypeError: arg is not a code object
>This python script is used by my archetype object to fetch a vocabulary 
>list, by calling a separate zsql method.
>Any ideas why this happens?
> ...
>__traceback_info__: field.Vocabulary(here)
># Module Python expression "field.Vocabulary(here)", line 1, in <expression>
># Module Products.Archetypes.Field, line 441, in Vocabulary
># Module Products.Archetypes.utils, line 137, in mapply
># Module inspect, line 607, in getargs
>TypeError: arg is not a code object

It is unlikely that is has to do with your "customization".

As the traceback shows you, the problem is really in the "Vocabulary"
(line 441 of "Field.py"). It calls "mapply" with an object that is
not "mapplyable".

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