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Thanks for the pointers but how can I trap for the first error. I am populating 
a list and if the user makes a mistake and uses the wrong application. I want 
to display only one message and the link to the correct application.

With this code the message is repeated for each entry.

<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('student_score1', student_score1_temp[loop_counter])">
        <dtml-call expr="create_holistic_score_record(REQUEST)">
<dtml-except IntegrityError> 
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('dup_rec', 'dup')">
<dtml-if expr="dup_rec=='dup'">
This class already exist in the database - Please use Update

This class already exist in the database - Please use Update 
This class already exist in the database - Please use Update ...

I just want to stop it after the first error.

Thanks in advance,

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