Forwarding this to the Zwiki and ex-Zwiki diaspora. Thanks all!


On Jan 28, 2009, at 3:00 PM, Simon Michael wrote:

Marketing.. sure, why not. New Zwiki users are still showing up and a
little more marketing wouldn't hurt.

I think some of us enjoy using Zwiki and I've thought about collecting
some testimonials/quotes. I know when I see a project that has
realistic testimonials from happy users, that really helps motivate me
to try it out.

I don't have much sense of how large/active/plugged in to this page
the Zwiki-using community is, but if you are reading this, are happy
with the software and can write a short testimonial, please send it.
Don't wait, just hit reply now! :)

Testimonials are like a micro-review, typically a short quote. (Longer
reviews are of course welcome too!) They should come from your real
experience with Zwiki, and be honest (negative reviews are also
useful.) Include the name you'd like to appear with the quote; the 
strongest testimonials include a real full name and organization. You 
might mention whether you are using Zwiki with or without Plone. If I 
can collect enough positive ones, I'll start rotating them on the home page.

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