-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Thomas (s) 
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 10:50 AM
To: 'li...@zopyx.com'
Subject: RE: [Zope] sending a encrypted login URL

I think I get what you're suggesting, but let me clarify.

I actually wanted the sensitive portions of URL to be encrypted..because it 
will be link on a page that says "login to zope"..but I wouldn't want the user 
or a snooper to be able to view the page source and figure out the URL pattern 
and the username/password.

SSL will ensure that the transport between the browser and the zope server will 
be encrypted using PKI, but I really want to obfuscate the user name and 
password parameters in the login URL. So that that if some1 where to view the 
source they'd see  garbled username/password parameters.

I suppose I could use the PKI to encrypt the username/password with my zope 
server's public key (but is there a API to do this on a J2EE container) and 
then have my zope server decrypt using its private key (but how would zope know 
that the username/password parameters are 2 be treated as encrypted data)?
-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Jung [mailto:li...@zopyx.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 10:38 AM
To: Joseph Thomas (s)
Cc: zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] sending a encrypted login URL

Hash: SHA1

Use SSL and you're done.

- -aj

On 04.03.2009 17:29 Uhr, Joseph Thomas (s) wrote:
> We'd like to construct a zope login URL of the form on another server:
> http://zope.domain:port/context/logged_in?__ac_name=uzzzzzz&__ac_password=xxxxxxx&submit=Log+in
> <http://zope.domain:port/context/logged_in?__ac_name=uzzzzzz&__ac_password=xxxxxxx&submit=Log+in>
> where the ac_name and ac_password parameters are encrypted using zope
> public key (?) and have the parameters decrypted when zope receives the
> request and login the user.
> Is there an API or some way to encrypt the username and password on the
> 3^rd party app server and configure zope so that it treats the
> parameters as encrypted values rather than plaintext?
> Joseph Thomas
> College of American Pathologists
> http://www.cap.org <http://www.cap.org/>
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