On Thursday 05 March 2009 23:33:40 you wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 18:59, Peter Sabaini <pe...@sabaini.at> wrote:
> > So, I'd need the twisted reactor and libraries running in the Python
> > VM that runs Zope. Which should be no problem except I suspect that I
> > shouldn't be using the (threaded) ZServer then, because I think that
> > would mess with twisted (which is not threadsafe for the most part).
> Well, then you could probably set the ZServer to only use one thread.
> That means you need many ZServers with a load balancer in front
> instead.
> > I thought if I'd switch to the twisted http server implementation that
> > would take care of that -- no threaded ZServer, no problem. Except that
> > doesn't seem to work as advertised, since the zope.app.twisted package is
> > not present, and the one on PyPI seems to be geared towards Zope3,
> I'm pretty sure the Zope2 implementation doesn't use zope.app.twisted.

Zope2/Startup/datatypes.py tries to import it

> However, the Zope 2 implementation is again not thread safe, and will
> only work with one thread per server, so you don't actually gain
> anything in using it. Besides, I don't think anyone actually used it
> after I implemented it. Which is why it's still marked as
> experimental, and would probably best be removed again.

Hm, the default zope.conf says twisted should be supported as an HTTP server 
replacement -- is that a bug?  


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