"Michael Haubenwallner" <mich...@d2m.at> wrote in message 
> Hash: SHA1
> Jonathan (dev101) wrote:
>> I need to support a third party web service (which is not within my 
>> control)
>> that wants to send xml data to my zope server (Zope 2.9.2 running on 
>> Redhat
>> linux).
>> When Zope receives a POST request with a Content-Type of text/xml it 
>> assumes
>> that it is an xmlrpc call (which it is not - it is just passing xml data
>> within the POST request).
>> Is there a way to get Zope to turn off this "xmlrpc assumption" so that 
>> my
>> zope external method can process the xml data that is being passed?
> Did you think of using 'application/xml' instead of 'text/xml' ?
> Everything should work as expected.
> Regards
> Michael

Just out of curiosity I ran a test using content-type of 'application/xml' 
and zope does not raise the xmlrpc error (as it does with content-type of 
'text/xml'), but the POST content is not available within the REQUEST 

This appears to be the same problem that I encountered using a content-type 
of 'text/xml' with the xmlrpc test turned off (ie. no xmlrpc error, but no 
POST data).

Does zope only make POST data available within the REQUEST object if the 
content-type is set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or 


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