David Bear wrote:
What do you gain by doing this?
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Lumir Jasiok <lumir.jas...@vsb.cz
<mailto:lumir.jas...@vsb.cz>> wrote:
I need to write an application which will be based on MVC design and
will have both web interface and desktop GUI based on wxPython. It is
possible to write such an application as standard Zope app and use
zope.interfaces package for defining wxPython GUI as other view (I
that it's called view, I am not sure - I am new in Zope
programming)? Or
am I totally wrong?
Best Regards
Lumir Jasiok
Lumír Jasiok
VSB-TU Ostrava - Computer centre
Tel: +420 59 732 3189
E-mail: lumir.jas...@vsb.cz <mailto:lumir.jas...@vsb.cz>
Zope maillist - Zope@zope.org <mailto:Zope@zope.org>
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I want to have an application with common code for both web and desktop
application, so data and business logic will be common and only thing
which will be different will be a view (web page or desktop application
GUI). So users will have choice what interface they want to use, data
will be same.
As programmer I want to have common code for business logic, because of
simplicity. I don't want to have two trunks, two business logics etc.
Lumír Jasiok
VSB-TU Ostrava - Computer centre
Tel: +420 59 732 3189
E-mail: lumir.jas...@vsb.cz
Zope maillist - Zope@zope.org
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http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )