What is consuming resources? If you don't need the undo form, just don't
use it.
Otherwise where should be a performance impact during standard Zope
Please explain!


On 02.09.09 10:00, Kedar Dash wrote:
> Hi
> thanks for your response.
> I am referring to http://<IP>:<port>/manage_UndoForm . Is there a way
> where by I can configure zope not to have this logging feature.
> regards,
> Kedar
> Andreas Jung wrote:
>> On 02.09.09 09:40, Kedar Dash wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It seems that lot of system resources are getting consumed in zope
>>> because of its transaction log feature. Ff course it has got its
>>> utility in undoing some mistakes.
>> Transaction log? Explain what you mean or claim.
>> -aj

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