Brian Myers schrieb:
> I've installed Zope3 on a 64 bit Ubuntu platform and all seems well.
> I've run mkzopeinstance and the instance directory is there and looks  
> ok.
> However, when I try to start the instance, it says [fail] for the  
> zserver instance and there are no entries in the z3.log file. The  
> default instance chosen was 9673, not 8080. I wonder if that's saying  
> it's not finding an available port. But I've port scanned the machine  
> and both 9673 and 8080 are open.
> Any ideas what to try next? How do I enable more logging output?
> Thanx in advance,
> Brian
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I assume that you use a zope installer that has come with ubuntu.

if this is the case, I advise that you install zope anew from a buildout.
this is very easy and gives you much more control about where things are
installed and what version of the diverse packages to use.

I have not used buildout for "naked" zope myself but always in together with
plone (however there should be no real difference).
you will find instructions how to install zope/plone from scratch on

the steps are:
- (voluntary but recommend) install your "own" python (as root)
- install easy_install for "your" python (as root)
- install ZopeSkel with easy_install -U ZopeSkel (as root)
- create a buildout anywhere (as a standard user) using paster
  paster --help will explain what to do


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