+-------[ Christopher N. Deckard ]----------------------
| Hash: SHA1
| On 1/7/10 2:30 PM, Andrew Milton wrote:
| > +-------[ Brian Brinegar ]----------------------
| > | I'm fairly well versed on the inner workings of Zope, but yesterday I've
| > | run into a problem that I can grasp.
| > 
| > [snip]
| > 
| > | Anyway, here's what I see. The copy starts, a tempfile is created (on
| > | the client) and grows to the appropriate size (3.1GB). Then, a
| > | Data.fs.temp appears on the new server and grows to the appropriate
| > | size. However, when my script tries to commit the transaction I get an
| > | EOF error:
| > 
| > File size limits on the new server restricting to say 2GB?
| No.  It's an x86-64 RedHat 5 install.  We've had 250GB files on this system.

Also have you done a cmp(1) of the chunk and the data.fs.tmp file to
make sure you're not just seeing a sparse file of the right size that's
internally truncated?

Andrew Milton
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