Markos Zaharioudakis has proposed merging lp:~zorba-coders/zorba/markos-scratch 
into lp:zorba.

Commit message:
exact match for flwor exprs

Requested reviews:
  Markos Zaharioudakis (markos-za)

For more details, see:

exact match for flwor exprs
Your team Zorba Coders is subscribed to branch lp:zorba.
=== modified file 'src/compiler/expression/flwor_expr.h'
--- src/compiler/expression/flwor_expr.h	2013-05-04 20:20:05 +0000
+++ src/compiler/expression/flwor_expr.h	2013-05-09 18:54:27 +0000
@@ -391,19 +391,25 @@
   - Data Members:
-  theGroupVars    : For each grouping var X, theGroupVars contains a pair of
-                    exprs: the 1st element of the pair is a reference to X in
-                    the groupby's input tuple stream, and the 2nd element is
-                    a var_expr representing the variable gX that the groupby
-                    produces for X in its output tuple stream.
-  theNonGroupVars : For each non-grouping var Y, theGroupVars contains a pair of
-                    exprs: the 1st element of the pair is a reference to Y in
-                    the groupby's input tuple stream, and the 2nd element is
-                    a var_expr representing the variable gY that the groupby
-                    produces for Y in its output tuple stream. For each tuple
-                    T produced by the groupby, gY is the concatenation of all
-                    the Y values in the input tuples that were grouped into T.
-  theCollations   : The collations to use when comparing values for grouping.
+  theGroupVars:
+  -------------
+  For each grouping var X, theGroupVars contains a pair of exprs: the 1st
+  element of the pair is the expr that computes the grouping keys for X;
+  the 2nd element is a var_expr representing the variable gX that the groupby
+  produces for X in its output tuple stream.
+  theNonGroupVars:
+  ----------------
+  For each non-grouping var Y, theNonGroupVars contains a pair of exprs: the
+  1st element of the pair is a reference to Y in the groupby's input tuple
+  stream, and the 2nd element is a var_expr representing the variable gY that
+  the groupby produces for Y in its output tuple stream. For each tuple T
+  produced by the groupby, gY is the concatenation of all the Y values in the
+  input tuples that were grouped into T.
+  theCollations:
+  --------------
+  The collations to use when comparing values for grouping.
 class groupby_clause : public flwor_clause

=== modified file 'src/compiler/rewriter/tools/expr_tools.cpp'
--- src/compiler/rewriter/tools/expr_tools.cpp	2013-04-27 16:36:36 +0000
+++ src/compiler/rewriter/tools/expr_tools.cpp	2013-05-09 18:54:27 +0000
@@ -79,11 +79,28 @@
+#define MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qv, vv)                     \
+  if (qv != NULL && vv != NULL)                       \
+  {                                                   \
+    subst[vv] = qv;                                   \
+  }                                                   \
+  else if (qv != NULL || vv != NULL)                  \
+  {                                                   \
+    return false;                                     \
+  }
 bool match_exact(expr* query, expr* view, expr::substitution_t& subst)
   if (query == view)
     return true;
+  if (query == NULL || view == NULL)
+    return false;
   if (query->get_expr_kind() != view->get_expr_kind())
     if (query->get_expr_kind() == var_expr_kind)
@@ -458,6 +475,190 @@
+  case flwor_expr_kind:
+  case gflwor_expr_kind:
+  {
+    flwor_expr* qe = static_cast<flwor_expr*>(query);
+    flwor_expr* ve = static_cast<flwor_expr*>(view);
+    csize numClauses = qe->num_clauses();
+    if (numClauses != ve->num_clauses())
+      return false;
+    for (csize i = 0; i < numClauses; ++i)
+    {
+      flwor_clause* qc = qe->get_clause(i);
+      flwor_clause* vc = ve->get_clause(i);
+      if (qc->get_kind() != vc->get_kind())
+        return false;
+      switch (qc->get_kind())
+      {
+      case flwor_clause::for_clause:
+      case flwor_clause::let_clause:
+      {
+        forlet_clause* qflc = static_cast<forlet_clause*>(qc);
+        forlet_clause* vflc = static_cast<forlet_clause*>(vc);
+        if (!match_exact(qflc->get_expr(), vflc->get_expr(), subst))
+          return false;
+        subst[vflc->get_var()] = qflc->get_var();
+        break;
+      }
+      case flwor_clause::where_clause:
+      {
+        where_clause* qwc = static_cast<where_clause*>(qc);
+        where_clause* vwc = static_cast<where_clause*>(vc);
+        if (!match_exact(qwc->get_expr(), vwc->get_expr(), subst))
+          return false;
+        break;
+      }
+      case flwor_clause::orderby_clause:
+      {
+        orderby_clause* qoc = static_cast<orderby_clause*>(qc);
+        orderby_clause* voc = static_cast<orderby_clause*>(vc);
+        csize numColumns = qoc->num_columns();
+        if (numColumns != voc->num_columns())
+          return false;
+        for (csize i = 0; i < numColumns; ++i)
+        {
+          if (match_exact(qoc->get_column_expr(i), voc->get_column_expr(i), subst))
+            return false;
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+      case flwor_clause::groupby_clause:
+      {
+        groupby_clause* qgc = static_cast<groupby_clause*>(qc);
+        groupby_clause* vgc = static_cast<groupby_clause*>(vc);
+        csize numGVars = qgc->numGroupingVars();
+        csize numNGVars = qgc->numNonGroupingVars();
+        if (numGVars != vgc->numGroupingVars() ||
+            numNGVars != vgc->numNonGroupingVars())
+          return false;
+        var_rebind_list_t::const_iterator qite = qgc->beginGroupVars();
+        var_rebind_list_t::const_iterator qend = qgc->endGroupVars();
+        var_rebind_list_t::const_iterator vite = vgc->beginGroupVars();
+        for (; qite != qend; ++qite, ++vite)
+        {
+          if (!match_exact((*qite).first, (*vite).first, subst))
+            return false;
+          subst[(*vite).second] = (*qite).second;
+        }
+        qite = qgc->beginNonGroupVars();
+        qend = qgc->endNonGroupVars();
+        vite = vgc->beginNonGroupVars();
+        for (; qite != qend; ++qite, ++vite)
+        {
+          if (!match_exact((*qite).first, (*vite).first, subst))
+            return false;
+          subst[(*vite).second] = (*qite).second;
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+      case flwor_clause::window_clause:
+      {
+        window_clause* qwc = static_cast<window_clause*>(qc);
+        window_clause* vwc = static_cast<window_clause*>(vc);
+        if (!match_exact(qwc->get_expr(), vwc->get_expr(), subst))
+          return false;
+        subst[vwc->get_var()] = qwc->get_var();
+        flwor_wincond* qcond = qwc->get_win_start();
+        flwor_wincond* vcond = vwc->get_win_start();
+        if (qcond != NULL && vcond != NULL)
+        {
+          if (qcond->is_only() != vcond->is_only())
+            return false;
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_in_vars().posvar, vcond->get_in_vars().posvar);
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_in_vars().curr, vcond->get_in_vars().curr);
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_in_vars().prev, vcond->get_in_vars().prev);
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_in_vars().next, vcond->get_in_vars().next);
+          if (!match_exact(qcond->get_expr(), vcond->get_expr(), subst))
+            return false;
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_out_vars().posvar, vcond->get_out_vars().posvar);
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_out_vars().curr, vcond->get_out_vars().curr);
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_out_vars().prev, vcond->get_out_vars().prev);
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_out_vars().next, vcond->get_out_vars().next);
+        }
+        else if (qcond != NULL || vcond != NULL)
+        {
+          return false;
+        }
+        qcond = qwc->get_win_stop();
+        vcond = vwc->get_win_stop();
+        if (qcond != NULL && vcond != NULL)
+        {
+          if (qcond->is_only() != vcond->is_only())
+            return false;
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_in_vars().posvar, vcond->get_in_vars().posvar);
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_in_vars().curr, vcond->get_in_vars().curr);
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_in_vars().prev, vcond->get_in_vars().prev);
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_in_vars().next, vcond->get_in_vars().next);
+          if (!match_exact(qcond->get_expr(), vcond->get_expr(), subst))
+            return false;
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_out_vars().posvar, vcond->get_out_vars().posvar);
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_out_vars().curr, vcond->get_out_vars().curr);
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_out_vars().prev, vcond->get_out_vars().prev);
+          MATCH_WINCOND_VAR(qcond->get_out_vars().next, vcond->get_out_vars().next);
+        }
+        else if (qcond != NULL || vcond != NULL)
+        {
+          return false;
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+      case flwor_clause::count_clause:
+      {
+        count_clause* qcc = static_cast<count_clause*>(qc);
+        count_clause* vcc = static_cast<count_clause*>(vc);
+        subst[vcc->get_var()] = qcc->get_var();
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        ZORBA_ASSERT(false);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!match_exact(qe->get_return_expr(), ve->get_return_expr(), subst))
+      return false;
+    return true;
+  }
   case cast_expr_kind:
   case castable_expr_kind:
   case instanceof_expr_kind:

=== added file 'test/rbkt/ExpCompilerResults/IterPlan/zorba/index/match_vrange_06.iter'
--- test/rbkt/ExpCompilerResults/IterPlan/zorba/index/match_vrange_06.iter	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ test/rbkt/ExpCompilerResults/IterPlan/zorba/index/match_vrange_06.iter	2013-05-09 18:54:27 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+Iterator tree for index:
+  <ForVariable name="$$context-item">
+    <ZorbaCollectionIterator>
+      <SingletonIterator value="xs:QName(,db28,foo)"/>
+    </ZorbaCollectionIterator>
+  </ForVariable>
+  <ReturnClause>
+    <ValueIndexEntryBuilderIterator>
+      <ForVarIterator varname="$$context-item"/>
+      <PromoteIterator type="xs:string">
+        <FnDataIterator>
+          <DynamicFnCallIterator>
+            <ForVarIterator varname="$$context-item"/>
+            <SingletonIterator value="xs:string(_id)"/>
+          </DynamicFnCallIterator>
+        </FnDataIterator>
+      </PromoteIterator>
+    </ValueIndexEntryBuilderIterator>
+  </ReturnClause>
+Iterator tree for index:
+  <ForVariable name="$$context-item">
+    <ZorbaCollectionIterator>
+      <SingletonIterator value="xs:QName(,db28,foo)"/>
+    </ZorbaCollectionIterator>
+  </ForVariable>
+  <ReturnClause>
+    <ValueIndexEntryBuilderIterator>
+      <ForVarIterator varname="$$context-item"/>
+      <PromoteIterator type="xs:string">
+        <FnDataIterator>
+          <flwor::TupleStreamIterator>
+            <flwor::OuterForIterator varname="$$context-item">
+              <flwor::TupleSourceIterator/>
+              <DynamicFnCallIterator>
+                <ForVarIterator varname="$$context-item"/>
+                <SingletonIterator value="xs:string(properties)"/>
+              </DynamicFnCallIterator>
+            </flwor::OuterForIterator>
+            <DynamicFnCallIterator>
+              <ForVarIterator varname="$$context-item"/>
+              <SingletonIterator value="xs:string(STREET)"/>
+            </DynamicFnCallIterator>
+          </flwor::TupleStreamIterator>
+        </FnDataIterator>
+      </PromoteIterator>
+    </ValueIndexEntryBuilderIterator>
+  </ReturnClause>
+Iterator tree for main query:
+  <ApplyIterator>
+    <ZorbaCreateCollectionIterator>
+      <SingletonIterator value="xs:QName(,db28,foo)"/>
+    </ZorbaCreateCollectionIterator>
+  </ApplyIterator>
+  <ApplyIterator>
+    <CreateIndexIterator>
+      <SingletonIterator value="xs:QName(,db28,foo__id_)"/>
+    </CreateIndexIterator>
+  </ApplyIterator>
+  <ApplyIterator>
+    <CreateIndexIterator>
+      <SingletonIterator value="xs:QName(,db28,street)"/>
+    </CreateIndexIterator>
+  </ApplyIterator>
+  <flwor::FLWORIterator>
+    <ForVariable name="i">
+      <ProbeIndexRangeValueIterator>
+        <SingletonIterator value="xs:QName(,db28,street)"/>
+        <SingletonIterator value="xs:string(Sheridan)"/>
+        <SingletonIterator value="xs:string(Sheridan)"/>
+        <SingletonIterator value="xs:boolean(true)"/>
+        <SingletonIterator value="xs:boolean(true)"/>
+        <SingletonIterator value="xs:boolean(true)"/>
+        <SingletonIterator value="xs:boolean(true)"/>
+      </ProbeIndexRangeValueIterator>
+    </ForVariable>
+    <ReturnClause>
+      <ForVarIterator varname="i"/>
+    </ReturnClause>
+  </flwor::FLWORIterator>

=== added file 'test/rbkt/ExpQueryResults/zorba/index/match_vrange_06.xml.res'
=== added file 'test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/index/match_vrange_06.xq'
--- test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/index/match_vrange_06.xq	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/index/match_vrange_06.xq	2013-05-09 18:54:27 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import module namespace db28 = ""; at "match_vrange_06.xqlib";
+import module namespace ddl =
+import module namespace dml =
+import module namespace iddl = 
+for $i in dml:collection(xs:QName("db28:foo"))
+where $i("properties")("STREET") eq "Sheridan"
+return $i

=== added file 'test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/index/match_vrange_06.xqlib'
--- test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/index/match_vrange_06.xqlib	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/index/match_vrange_06.xqlib	2013-05-09 18:54:27 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+module namespace db28 = "";;
+import module namespace dml = "";;
+declare namespace an = "";;
+declare %an:mutable %an:unordered %an:mutable-nodes collection db28:foo;
+declare %an:manual %an:value-range index db28:foo__id_
+on nodes dml:collection(xs:QName("db28:foo"))
+by .("_id") as xs:string;
+declare %an:manual %an:value-range index db28:street
+on nodes dml:collection(xs:QName("db28:foo"))
+by .("properties")("STREET") as xs:string;

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