
Looks like the ipv6 listener can’t start.
> =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:42.045104 ===
>     supervisor: {local,zotonic_sup}
>     errorContext: start_error
>     reason: eprotonosupport
>     offender: [{pid,undefined},
>                {id,webmachine_mochiweb_v6},
>                {mfargs,
>                    {webmachine_mochiweb,start,
>                        [webmachine_mochiweb_v6,
>                         [{port,8000},
>                          {ip,any6},
>                          {dispatcher,z_sites_dispatcher},
>                          {dispatch_list,[]},
>                          {backlog,500},
>                          {acceptor_pool_size,75}]]}},
>                {restart_type,permanent},
>                {shutdown,5000},
>                {child_type,worker}]

We check if ipv6 is available and if it is we start the listener.
This is in zotonic_sup.erl:

> ipv6_supported() ->
>     case (catch inet:getaddr("localhost", inet6)) of
>         {ok, _Addr} -> true;
>         {error, _} -> false
>     end.

Apparently the system pretend there is ip6 but doesn’t really support it.

You can disable starting the ipv6 listener by providing a specific listener 
port instead of ‘any’ in the zotonic.config

Replace this

> %%% IP address on which Zotonic will listen for HTTP requests.
> %%% Always overridden by the ZOTONIC_IP environment variable.
> %%% Use 'any' for all IP addresses.
>    {listen_ip, any},

With this:

> %%% IP address on which Zotonic will listen for HTTP requests.
> %%% Always overridden by the ZOTONIC_IP environment variable.
> %%% Use 'any' for all IP addresses.
>    {listen_ip, {0,0,0,0}},

If this fixes the problem then we can look into a better ipv6 detection method.
One of the methods I am thinking of is by actually opening the port before 

Cheers, Marc


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