Hi everyone,

I'm trying to call some i18n ZPT to generate mails in different languages
from a python External method.

Does anybody know hot to set the target_language of a template being called
from python code?

For the moment I succeeded doing:

def mailGenerator(self):
    request = self.REQUEST
    form = {'language':'fr'}
    request.form = form
    body=self.mail_templates.mail_template1(self, var1=foo, var2=bar)
    return body

which returns mail_template1 in french

but when I try

def mailGenerator(self):
    request = self.REQUEST
    form = {'language':'fr'}
    request.form = form
    body=self.mail_templates.mail_template1(self, var1=foo, var2=bar)
    form = {'language':'en'}
    request.form = form
    body = body + self.mail_templates.mail_template1(self, var1=foo,
    return body

I get both mail_templates in the same language, instead of getting the
second one in English.

The environment I'm working on is Zope 2.10 and PlacelessTranslationService

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance,
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