
There are requests to turn on the multiversion install feature for kernel 
packages per default:

> This change is motivated by several reasons seen by the community:
> a) With grub2 the additionaly installed kernels aren't longer
>    visitble by default.
> b) Having the multiversion feature provided by libzypp is only
>    the first step.  The majority of our users will never see it
>    nor will they know how to modify the default.
> c) The changed default ensures to keel the  currently running
>    kernel installed.  If we remove it this might cause trouble
>    as the system might try to load a module which is no longer
>    available on disk.
> The actual package change log is:
> Enable multiversion kernel and set multiversion.kernels in
> /etc/zypp/zypp.conf to keep the latest, latest-1 and the running. 

Objections to do this for Factory?


    Michael Andres

Key fingerprint = 2DFA 5D73 18B1 E7EF A862  27AC 3FB8 9E3A 27C6 B0E4
Michael Andres   SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Development,   m...@suse.de
GF:Jeff Hawn,Jennifer Guild,Felix Imendörffer, HRB16746(AG Nürnberg) 
Maxfeldstrasse 5, D-90409 Nuernberg, Germany, ++49 (0)911 - 740 53-0
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