Michael Schroeder <m...@suse.de> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 01, 2016 at 03:05:18PM +0000, Adam Spiers wrote:
> > Is it just me or does the "Checking for file conflicts" stage of a
> > zypper install sometimes take a lot longer than it used to?
> > 
> > My memory is that it always used to be extremely fast, whereas now it
> > can take tens of seconds in some cases, or even minutes.  It seems
> > very strange to me that it would ever need to take more than a
> > fraction of a second.  Is there a good reason for this?
> I've seen this as well, but I didn't figure out the reason yet.

OK, glad I'm not going mad ;-)

> It's on my TODO list ;)

That's good enough for me :-)  Thanks!
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