Amy Upham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    The real work is HOW DO WE GET THE WORD 
  (Janie) I have taken all of my time and the word is places that it was seen 
by the public lots of it already. We I have been doing this with the IES group 
for 3 years now giving day after day long days of my time, from other things 
that I could and should have been doing.  Jim and Mickey and all the people in 
the IES group and other groups on here know this.  I have dedicated my life to 
it over the last 3 years I have not gotten any support from MindFreedom, none, 
even when I asked for support when they were changing the KY laws I did not get 
any support from MindFreedom.  I have been blacklisted from their list over 
time for fighting for what is right.
  A media campaign is needed for sure.
  (Janie) I bet no one else has posted this hunger strike anyplace on the net, 
where it can be commonly found or asked anyone these questions time and time 
again besides me.  No one has been bashed by 100s of people because of them 
besides me.
   Unfortunately, the Church of Scientology has owned this campaign and we need 
to take it from their hands or we are doomed. 
  (Janie) NO they haven't owned it, not at all until the hunger strike was done 
there was no way to push them to the limits.  That was a MindFreedom effort, 
but they gave up on it!  I took it over because I was fighting Kentucky with 
it.  And I have added it to places wherever I could find.
  And we need to do it in such a way as to not make people who are taking meds 
now feel like idiots when they realize they were lied to but also not 
encouraging the med option as one based on any science or even a safe one.  
  (Janie) I try not to make them feel stupid, none of them have minded bashing 
me not one time.
   What do we do with the psychiatric profession?  That will change with these 
other measures and frankly I don't care if it changes or disappears...the 
brain, as with the soul, the environment, our social connections and the rest 
of our bodies all play a role in our state of being, so cutting off all 
research into the brain may not be wise, either, but the research needs to be 
much longer-term and scientific, along with these other changes: they stop 
pretending they have the answers when they don't, stop forcing and coercing 
people into these answers, being bedfellows with pharm. companies, start 
incorporating all the other aspects into wellness, are not the sole providers 
reimbursed and are not automatically teamed up with other providers in mental 
health agencies.
  (Janie) This needs to stop!  They need to stop medicalizing things that are 
not medical!  Not more research unless it is research on real brain diseases 
and there are some of them, but none that psychiatrist deal with.  It needs to 

  NAMI needs to be brought down, I agree, but it won't be without changing the 
minds of its members and potential members.  The folks at the top won't 
budge...they are too caught up in all of it now.  
  (Janie) Have you ever once looked at my website, much of it is there.  I will 
be updating it and have been working on doing so, it was caught in cyberspace 
and I had to redo it.
  just my opinion- Amy
  (Janie) Right, but no one is going to take credit for the work that I have 
done over the last three years to have it as widely known as it is now.  I did 
that, the scientologist took over teen screen, they took over ???  I don't mind 
those were not my baby's.  People of Courage will get the credit for what we 
have all done together because even if they didn't always speak up or they 
didn't post a lot I knew that they were there and it gave me the strength to go 
forward with what I was doing at personal risk to myself and all of my time and 
effort and this is my thoughts on this.  I don't think I am wrong.  I have 
pushed and shoved for this and been kicked around and scared a lot, just 
because I don't always act like I am ever scared or tired, it is important to 
me and so is my group that supported me.  Thanks, Janie
"Janie Lee, M.Ed." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Janie Lee, M.Ed." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     Jim did a good thing, he took 
a risk for us I understand this now, but why not get the hunger strike out?  
Why do people give up on the truth because it seems too hard? 
  Mickey did a good thing, he got it together and he brought it home.  It was 
someones responsibility to make sure the world admitted the truth, we need that 
to make this worthwhile. 
  Once we make them admit the hunger strike is valid evidence that they do not 
have any reliable and valid evidence, """""publicly""""", then we don't have to 
fight all of this, they have no medical evidence and we can defeat NAMI.  
  If there is ever going to be hope in any of this being in any way voluntary 
and not out of coercion and force we have to make them get down on their knees. 
 That is the truth and that is what I keep fighting for and that is why I do 
what I do.  
  I know it has been three years, three years too long and this is the year 
that someone needs to get them to bow down and then that will make all of our 
dreams come true. It will put an end to what they are doing. I'm going to bust 
them, cause I have to and the consequences be what they may one way, somehow.  
That is almost a promise.  Janie 
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Janie Lee, M.Ed.

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