John A. Sullivan III wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-03-26 at 16:28 -0600, Rich Megginson wrote:
>> John A. Sullivan III wrote:
>>> Hello, all.  We've recently undergone a corporate name and domain
>>> change, let's say from to  Consequently, we
>>> need to rename the top level of our LDAP structure.  We installed CentOS
>>> Directory Server 8.1 into dc=oldname,dc=biz and now need that entire
>>> structure to have dc=newname,dc=com at the top.  Everything else stays
>>> the same.
>>> I realize I'll need to edit all my ACIs and repoint all my LDAP clients,
>>> but is there an easy way to rename the tree? I'd hate to try to move all
>>> the elements (especially since I believe we can only move leaves) and
>>> worse yet have to recreate the entire tree :-((((
>>> I assume it is not as simple as going to the top level object in the
>>> directory, going to advanced properties and changing the entrydn.
>>> Thanks - John
>> With 389 1.2.6 you can do a subtree rename operation.  Otherwise, I 
>> suggest you
>> dump to ldif
>> run a script on the ldif to convert oldname to newname
>> import from ldif
> <snip>
> Yes, the features in 1.2.6 have me drooling! But it looks like I'll need
> to go the ldif route.  Any caveats, e.g., shutting down dirsrv before
> starting? Is it as simple as dump, edit, import? Thanks - John
Anything under the subtree cn=config will need to be changed after the 
ldif dump and before importing the new data
Also, anything under o=NetscapeRoot (if you're using the console) will 
likely need to change too if it refers to the old suffix
> --
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