Lars Gunther wrote:
> 2010-09-14 11:39, Lars Gunther skrev:
>> This LDIF could not be imported. It was generated as an export from
>> OpenLDAP.
>> dn: cn=test,ou=Group,dc=labbnet,dc=ne,dc=keryx,dc=se
>> objectClass: posixGroup
>> objectClass: top
>> cn: gunther
>> userPassword:: e2NyeXB0fXg=
>> gidNumber: 600
> OK, I've found the problem
>  > dn: cn=test,ou=Group,dc=labbnet,dc=ne,dc=keryx,dc=se
>   Should be
> dn: cn=test,ou=Groups,dc=labbnet,dc=ne,dc=keryx,dc=se
> Group/s/
> Duh!
> However, I still can not add posixGroups using the admin tool!
I still don't know what you mean by "add posixGroups using the admin 
tool".  If by "admin tool" you mean the 389 GUI console, then right, 
there is no explicit posix group tab in the Group editor window, but you 
can use the Advanced... editor to add the posixGroup objectclass to the 
list of objectclasses.
> And I still can't log in as the user I've added.
What error do you get?  It's always helpful when you have a problem to 
* the platform and 389-ds-base version
* the exact command you used - if by "log in" you mean system login, 
also please specify your /etc/ldap.conf settings
* the error message and error code you get from the command, if any
* check the directory server access log from around the time of your log 
in attempt to see what the directory server logged
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