> On 21 May 2019, at 21:39, Angel Bosch Mora <abo...@imasmallorca.net> wrote:
> I'm testing this new command:
>    dsconf instance replication create-manager
> and when I create a new manager I can see a new nsDS5ReplicaBindDN on the 
> replica entry. 
> but when I remove the manager with "delete-manager" the nsDS5ReplicaBindDN is 
> not removed.
> is there a reason for that? why do I need to mantain an old manager entry? 
> should I fill a bug?

Mark would know the reason as he wrote that code (I think).

Saying this, I think it's a bug - the create of the replication manager should 
NOT affect the replicabinddn because it's not the intent of the command. The 
command says "create this only", it is not "create and replace all bind dns 
with what I made". As a result, this is a surprising action, and is not 
discoverable in the command UI.

Therfore, it is a bug that the create manager alters the property replicabinddn.


Here is the bug for you, I will supply a PR shortly.

> regards,
> abosch
> -- Institut Mallorqui d'Afers Socials. Aquest missatge, i si escau, qualsevol 
> fitxer annex, es dirigeix exclusivament a la persona que n'es destinataria i 
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> missatge ni lliurar-lo a terceres persones sense permis expres de l'IMAS. Si 
> no sou la persona destinataria que s'hi indica (o la responsable de 
> lliurar-l'hi) us demanam que ho notifiqueu immediatament a l'adreca 
> electronica de la persona remitent.
> -- Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensau si es realment necessari.
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William Brown

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