On 5/23/19 4:13 AM, Angel Bosch Mora wrote:

quick question: is there any reason to keep modifyTimestamp, modifiersName, 
createTimestamp, and creatorsName when reimporting on a migration?

These are important attributes about each each entry.  Knowing when an entry was created or modified can be very valuable.  It allows for some basic type of auditing, and these attributes are used by other things like the UI, and other products like Freeipa.

That being said, you don't need them (they are not required attributes via the schema definitions).  If you want to strip them from an LDIF file you are free to do so, and it will not cause a LDIF import to fail.  But stripping them permanently removes potentially useful information.  Sounds like you are not worried about that, but I wanted to make sure you were aware :-)



-- Institut Mallorqui d'Afers Socials. Aquest missatge, i si escau, qualsevol 
fitxer annex, es dirigeix exclusivament a la persona que n'es destinataria i 
pot contenir informacio confidencial. En cap cas no heu de copiar aquest 
missatge ni lliurar-lo a terceres persones sense permis expres de l'IMAS. Si no 
sou la persona destinataria que s'hi indica (o la responsable de lliurar-l'hi) 
us demanam que ho notifiqueu immediatament a l'adreca electronica de la persona 
-- Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensau si es realment necessari.
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