Hi all -

I have an odd relationship with Plan 9. It sits on one of the primary partitions of my laptop. Every once in a while I think "Crikey, I'm not smart enough to do anything with this," and think about replacing it with, oh, I don't know, another Linux distro ... but then I will dig a little into the list archives, boot the system up, fiddle, and solve one or more of my issues. And then the fascination takes hold again ...

Last night was a good problem-solving night. But one of my continuing frustrations is that, although networking works, I am having issues 'communicating' from the system ... so if I have a problem with something in Plan 9, I have to reboot into Linux or (bleah) Win XP in order to communicate it ...

More specifically, I can ssh from Plan 9 into my account at SDF (sdf.lonestar.org aka freeshell.org). I've played around with ssh options some and improved what I am seeing in the terminal connected to that account, but when I fire up Pine to attempt reading my email, I get a screen that is 1/2 muck/garbage characters.

I poked around in the list archives but didn't find any solution to that. If anyone has suggestions (or can tell me where/what I need to read) I'd be grateful. FWIW, the system I am logging into (SDF) runs NetBSD (2.0 or thereabouts, IIRC).



Glenn Becker - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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