2009/4/27 Balwinder S Dheeman <bsd.sans...@cto.homelinux.net>:
> That's a lot of good actions attached to all the three buttons for
> handling vertical layouts. How about adding similar actions to all the
> three buttons for managing horizontal layouts to a column /layout box/.

I had a patched version of acme to do this. It is not such a trivial
thing as it looks like, but it is not difficult. However, it doesn't
work so good in practice as in theory. I found disturbing that after
pressing the right button the column was moved to the first place, and
doing it without moving the column was a mess because of the mouse
events (at the end I think I just moved the column to the first place
and then back to its previous position). Other problem I had was that
I didn't have very clear what to do with the middle button (taking the
maximum space and having small columns is not a practical thing). On
the other hands, growing columns with the left button is an easier
thing (once you decide all your heuristics).
Anyway, it was my first look into acme code and there probably are
better ways to do it.
What did you have in mind?

- yiyus || JGL .

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