This is what we do at Sandia. We have one machine which serves
cpu/auth/file, but the actual Venti disks are in a Coraid connected
via GigE. The fossil disk is in the server, but if it dies we can just
build a new one.

Which reminds me of an often overlooked but important point:

  Save your fossil vac scores on another machine!

Without them, your seperate venti server is JBOD :-P Well, not quite. You can eventually find the right vac score, but you have to manually mount each and every score in the venti until you find the right one. See /sys/src/cmd/venti/words/dumpvacroots. You could probably semi-automate the process by writing a script that mounted each of the scores in turn, checking the mtime of something like /sys/log/timesync in each, and sorting the vac scores accordingly.

On my setup I aux/clog the fileserver console to a u9fs mounted directory on a UNIX server. You could also cobble something up that scans the fossil console for vac scores and emails them to an offsite address.


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