> Anyway, I do not understand how uniform crappiness can be advantageous...

The issue raised on Go-Nuts is that Bash shouldn't be used for
installing Go, /bin/sh should be used instead.  The response is that
Bash is the most uniformly implemented of the /bin/sh's out there and
that none of the other shells (generally referred to as /bin/sh) can
be relied upon not to have incompatible foibles that would trip up a
complicated script headed #!/bin/sh.  Therefore, intentionally using
#!/bin/bash (or #!/usr/bin/env -c /bin/bash - from memory) is much
more likely to work without adjustments.

Hence, it makes sense to stick to bash in one's day-to-day work.

Of course, rc would be preferable, but the target platforms for Go are
not all adequately endowed, and Byron's rc proves the point: it is
slightly incompatible with Plan 9's rc.


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