I mentioned this in a previous post but I will repeat here as it was
buried in a load of other stuff.
I tried to edit the sandbox in the wiki and wasn't able to. I ran

    acme /acme/wiki/guide

and executed the commands in that file. I was then able to navigate
the wiki in acme (and confirmed it was the 'live' wiki and not the
local copy in /sys/lib/wiki.
I edited the sandbox page and executed the Put command. I got the error

    Wiki commit 1028330739 12 -1: '/sys/lib/wiki/d/2.hist' permission denied.

I don't understand why wiki is looking in that directory.

If I instead run 'Local wikifs /sys/lib/wiki' then I get access to the
local copy and can edit it freely. In that case my changes are indeed
in /sys/lib/wiki/d/2.hist as I would expect.


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