On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Bakul Shah <ba...@bitblocks.com> wrote:
> Others have answered what to do within plan9. On the
> virtualbox side you need to attach to 'bridged adapter'
> instead of NAT.  Pick the right "name" (which is really the
> interface name on the host) -- wi-fi (airport) for instacnce
> if you are on a MBP.  I think the default adapter type should
> work (Intel pro/1000 MT desktop). You may also have to tell
> the dhcp server about mac address  etc. depending on how it is
> set up.
In my experience*, only the Intel Pro/1000 MT Server works. What did
you want to do with your Plan 9 installation? If you just want a
standalone system that can make outgoing connections, then NAT mode
works fine - in that case DHCP is provided by VirtualBox itself and it
passes through the ip addresses of the DNS servers from the host. If
you want external systems to make connections to Plan 9 servers then
you'll need Bridged mode as Bakul says.

* The Bell Labs distribution in VirtualBox 4.3.8 on Windows host.

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