On Sun Feb 14 08:30:20 PST 2016, tlaro...@polynum.com wrote:
> Hello,
> When trying to re-install a Plan9 on a new node, being unable, with the
> kernel compiled present on the CDROM image, to access a FAT or an iso
> image of a root file system, I went to a combination of a minimal sketch
> of a plan9 slice, with a 9fat made "by hand" (from an already installed
> other OS---here NetBSD) and access at boot time a remote root
> filesystem, for the installation, serves by another Unix node serving
> 9P2000.
> The surprise is with the bootargs, in plan9.ini, supposed to configure
> the network for the node, in order to access a remote root filesystem,
> as in:
> fs=
> # auth not used
> auth=
> bootargs=tcp!-g gbe
> what is after the '!' being supposed to be args to ip/ipconfig.

here's what i have on my cpu server

        nobootprompt=il -g ether /net/ether0 /112

nobootprompt is equivalent to bootargs

- erik

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